Riaesh is working against the tide, time is ticking away and he is under pressure just to survive and survival being the operative word. His situation can be likened to that of a man underwater, clutching on straws and wanting nothing but just a breath of air, forget about fresh air, at the moment any air will do just fine. Pillay had to complete all his first round matches this weekend and I feel pity for the guy, everything had to be rushed otherwise the league was never going to be normal and Riaesh had to soldier on and take everything in his stride. He took on all of the Free State this past weekend and he did fairly well under siege. It looked very promising on Saturday for the first match of the day for the loner from Gauteng when he took on Zander and with that match, Riaesh finally killed the duck and registered his first ever win in the National League. He won the match 4-3, 4-1 but this result wasn’t enough to spur him on to victory in his next scheduled matches.
‘Pillay’ had to bring his celebration of his first win to a screeching halt after only about an hour to accommodate Nelson Da President who is infamous for wearing down his opponents and getting them off balance before driving the nail home at a snail’s pace. A tired Pillay was always going to struggle against the meticulous Nelson. “Rando” the replacement killer fought a good fight as is reflected by the 4-3, 2-4 and 4-3 end result. Sometimes all a player needs is a bit of luck to push them over that finish line and Pillay had taken none of the good omen with him to Bloemfontein. The Sunday affair with Kevin Seseane had a similar ending for Riaesh, once again he came just short of victory by perhaps a frame. Kevin won 2-1 and crept out of relegation by those 3 odd points but the struggle continues. All four of these guys have it all to do in order to stay in the league. It is inexplicable how the coastal regions dominate pool in the elite league, across the three divisions in the National Leagues, the guys from the Coasts are creaming it with the Cape region (Both East and West) being the most dominant. I suppose there is something in the seawater and the breeze that lacks in the inland crew that makes them always come short.
Juandre hosted Donovan on Saturday in an all important match that could have seen the two athletes swop positions on the log had the results been any different and of course like in any other derby, bragging rights were at stake and the ‘Big Guy’ laid down the Law and established the pecking order in the windy city. Juandre threw a few good punches and dominated the first round winning it 4-0 and bagging a bonus point. Donovan came back with all his guns blazing in the next two sets winning them 4-2 and 4-0. This was one of those matches were the spoils were split more or less evenly and everyone went home happy. Well done to all the winners and to Donovan for edging the Monster and earning the coveted Sheriff’s Toast of the week..